Buy Bruce Banner Strain

Bruce Banner Marijuana Strain Effective painkiller, for anxiety, depression, nausea, and insomnia. mentally stimulating, while becoming physically relaxed



Product Description


Buy Bruce Banner Strain Online is a very effective painkiller, but it is also suitable for anxiety, depression, nausea, and insomnia. Dry mouth and bloody eyes are common side effects, in addition to occasional paranoia and dizziness. The dominant taste is sweet, with notes of citrus and a strong, sharp smell. The poodle has a deep mat appearance because of the strong layer of resin glands. Bruce Banner is mentally stimulating, while becoming physically relaxed, a great combination for those who hope to stay alert, sharp, focused and alert while expelling every physical body of pain and stressing that they might have. Bruce Banner Marijuana Strain


This tribute to the comic book legend could even turn the incredible Hulk into someone who would be a gentle maneuver. It is very relaxing, with Sativa-dominant genes (Sativa / Indica ratio 60:40) that deliver a huge THC dose: for some tests, it is almost 29%. It makes it a holy grail of this kind for patients looking for the strongest height. However, the CBD content is low, so this is not the ideal choice for conditions that react to this chemical. Head high is intensely euphoric, combined with strong creativity and full body atmosphere. The energy level is high, which is good daily stress. Bruce Banner Marijuana Strain


Bruce Banner is the one that centered on this control hemp has a THC content, which is typically in the range of 25-29%, which is probably one of the strongest cannabis types, about which even MarijuanaBreak wrote. Although you think so or not, this version of Bruce Banner has an even stronger versus Bruce Banner no. 3 often has a THC level of 30%, which is pretty damn mind-blowing when you think about it. Order Bruce Banner Cannabis Strain

Bruce Banner cannabis strain is a Sativa dominant strain named after a comic book hero Bruce Banner. She is best known as its alter-ego “The Incredible Hulk”. Being true to its name, this Bruce Banner is bright green, has big buds and high THC content, delivering a strong punch. The effect quick and long lasting, mainly cerebral, characterized by energy buzz and creativity boost. Bruce Banner marijuana is good for social interactions and banishing the blues, well suited for daytime use.

Type of High

Bruce Banner marijuana strain induces strong cerebral high. Boosts energy, prompts giggles and social interactions. Uplifts mood, alleviates depression. Relaxes the body, relieves stress, has good analgesic properties.


Lineage: OG Kush and Strawberry Diesel strains.

Indica / Sativa Ratio

  • Sativa Dominant Hybrid (60% Sativa / 40% Indica)

Average THC / CBD Level

  • 16.00/24.50% THC
  • 1.00/1.00% CBD
  • —/1.00% CBN

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